Eisenhower Matrix
Why it matters?
We hold a basket of cognitive biases that impede our ability to manage our time and decisions effectively.
Especially when lives get busy and distracted, it can be difficult to know what to tackle first and why. Sometimes just getting as much off the to-do list feels like the most efficient reward to chase. The simple and elegant Eisenhower Matrix is a time-management tool that helps with prioritizing that with what is important and urgent — so that we may delegate, devolve, or delete what we are working on so we don’t get overwhelmed!
We often clump the concept of being “urgent” and “important” into the same categorization, however, this matrix shows us they are not synonymous. Urgent tasks are time-sensitive and can either be simple or complex. They tend to command our attention first (especially when people are waiting on us) but often fall into a less important category overall.
By contrast, more complex, strategic tasks that are aligned with our goals are important and need advancing – but rarely “urgent”. However, we need to bring them higher up on our prioritization list if we are to avoid procrastinating on them.
How it works?
To help us rationally categorize our tasks, the Eisenhower Matrix uses four simple categories, with two columns and two rows.
- Label columns as Urgent and Not Urgent from left to right.
- Label rows as Important and Not Important from up to down.
- Then decide on the levels of urgency or importance of your tasks and fill in the matrix.
- There are different strategies for each of the categories:
Activities in the “Urgent & Important” quadrant should be done immediately.
Activities in the “Not Urgent & Important” should be scheduled for a later date.
Activities in the “Urgent & Not Important” section should be delegated.
Activities in the “Not Urgent & Not Important” section should be deleted or devolved. - Use this tool for both your professional and personal life to get highly efficient with managing both your time and energy towards the important things.

Understand the factors that important to you by setting and weighting criteria when it comes to making a good decision.
The Eisenhower Matrix by Sapere Tool
The Decision Lab: Eisenhower Matrix
eisenhower.me: Introducing the Eisenhower Matrix