Feast & Famine
Why it matters?
It’s time to reclaim our health by rejecting the constant consumption of modern western society and manage our fuel intake to that of what our bodies and minds evolved for. We ate to survive and rarely for pleasure. There was no prescribed breakfast, lunch, and dinner — only what was available after the hunt or scavenge. Diets varied by season to what was freshest and differed tremendously across climates.
There was always famine and because of it, we are now getting into the ins and outs of prolonged cycles between eating and fasting — or what’s known today as intermittent fasting. There are many schools of thought around optimizing this. At its core, it’s about interrupting the regular dump of calories into our system so that our bodies can recoup and heal. Much of it rests on the level of discipline of the person and lifestyle they have chosen to adopt. That said, the principle remains the same: practice prolonging your eating window across a long enough time span to actually know what true “hunger” (note: not craving or thirst) feels like again. Instead of going deep into the various approaches (as the jury is still out on the optimal way to do this: 16:8, 5:2 method, OMAD, ADF, etc), we recommend a simple heuristic for testing out what best works for a busy lifestyle and adapting from there. Huge added plus: this saves so much brain space and time once you plan around this lifestyle.
One caveat: what you eat also matters. Opening up the “diet” or “nutrition” recommendation is a can of worms. So, we’ll keep it simplistic to what most humans can sustain as a healthy diet without getting monastic: Meat, Fish, Eggs, (or Tofu, Lentils, Beans, Seitan, Tempeh) and Lots of Veg. Occasional (weekly) Fruit, Nuts and Whole Plant or Seed Carbs. Sprinkle in your vices for rare occasions. Most people know this — they just want to complicate it as a distraction from living it, noticing results, and adapting from there.
How it works?
- Fast a minimum of 12 hours per day and work your way up to 16:8 daily during the week.
- Eat earlier in the day and try not to eat anything after 6pm to support hormone and sleep cycles.
- Make sure you’re hungry by the time you eat and eat slowly (longer than 20 minutes) till you’re 70% full.
- Next level: practice OMAD or full water fasting for 1 or 2 days on the weekend.
- Next ‘next’ level: eat vegetarian all week and meat on the weekends (for meat eaters).
- Only drink fluids that have been around for at least 1000 years (water, coffee, tea…and wine in limited or no amounts).
- No snacking, definitely nothing processed (even health foods).
- Supplement snacking cravings with superfoods (green tea, turmeric “golden milk”, organ meat supplements (or the real thing), avocados, coconuts, macadamia nuts, omega-3 fish oils or sardines).

Give your body a rest by emptying out fully through fasting cycles and feast on nutritious, bioavailable foods for high absorption.
Healthline: Intermittent Fasting
Thomas DeLauer: Fasting Videos (Various)