Gossip & Praise
Why it matters?
Our minds are not really a unified entity – it’s split between reason and emotional impulse. You may have learned this idea of two minds in ancient texts on mastering the mind; often known as the “rider and the elephant” metaphor. The rider, in her best attempts, will try and control the elephant.
However, the elephant, far more powerful and of its own will, chooses only to comply when the commands are not in conflict with its desires. The elephant is also highly protective and prone to negativity bias and reactionary reflexes. In every day terms, these are our ‘Two Minds’ that like to make snap judgments and ponder things over carefully. And they are often at odds with each other.
These distinct systems (known in psychology as System 1 (our automatic responses that are often heuristic-based) and System 2 (our controlled responses that are rules-based). When driving a car towards a non-conflicting destination, both these systems can come in handy as a smooth road allows our automatic processes to drive without much thought, or our deliberate driver can step in if the road gets bumpy or we have to take a different route.
However, when navigating complex decisions where there’s lot at stake, these two systems can often be at odds with each other — making us feel like the devil and angels on our shoulders are in constant battle. As creatures who tend to pay more attention to risk factors and aversion for our survival, most of us tend to weigh more heavily on negativity bias and self-criticism.
That is why practices of mindfulness to shut down our inner critic is helpful to not only make our riders more skillful, but align our riders and our elephants towards the same desires. This exercise looks at our negative self- judgment and positive self-image when we activate System 2 and use the voice of an observer through “gossip and praise.”
How it works?
- On a piece of paper, draw a diagonal line to divide into two parts and write “Gossip Today” on the left and “Praise Tomorrow” on the right.
- Imagine negative things others could have said about you in the past due to your perceived shortcomings and failures. If you were overhearing a conversation by the most brutal (yet honest) of these critics, what would they say? (Write within the “Gossip Today” side).
- Then imagine all of the praise you would receive if you moved forward diligently with your goals and achieved everything you desired. What would these people be saying about you when you are living your best life? (Write within the “Praise Tomorrow” side).
- Look at these two sides of the paper and put extra thought into whether your answers are 100% honest and not exaggerated versions of the truth on either side.
- Focus on the “Praise Tomorrow” side of the sheet — how hard would this be to ultimately achieve? What would you need to do consistently today in order to begin seeing yourself in this light?

How do we reinforce the actions required to develop a healthy positive self-image to go after the things we desire; without falling into negativity bias OR delusion?