Belief Expansion
Why it matters?
Unless you expand your vision, the landscape will always look the same. We tend to settle into a scope of comfort because it’s predictable, safe and taps into existing skillsets that reinforce how smart and talented we are. Expanding beyond that zone starts getting into the land of weeds – where we have to be willing to fly blind, possibly fail, and pick up new skills as a result.
Sprinkle in confirmation bias, and we continue in an unending loop of reinforcing our existing perspectives. It takes a certain kind of person to run away from the pack to explore new territory. Good news is: our unique brains have the capacity to expand what’s possible just by widening our scope beyond what currently exists. Kind of like being in the dark with a spotlight and widening the aperture.
Once we see the possibilities in our mind’s eye in specifics, get beyond our limiting beliefs, do we then gain clarity on the actions required to get there. This is where we use our self-authoring abilities to literally choose our beliefs and alter our reality.
Belief-reinforced awareness then becomes our biochemistry and how we are then shaped. Before we get to the solutioning of Vision Boards and crafting your Mission/Vision as a reinforceable images and soundbites, it’s important to sense into the expansion of that belief so that the direction is more internally motivated rather than (only) externally motivated.
How it works?
- Make a list of limiting beliefs you often tell yourself in regards to achieving goals with your work.
- Choose one primary aspiration where you know you’re shrinking your possibility space to play it safe.
- Suspend your critical mind for a moment and get into a more creative frame of mind.
- Park your current approach to achieving those goals and write down three possible outcomes if you expanded your reality by 3x, 10x, and 100x.
- Think how your approach would need to change in order to achieve those various outcomes.

Scope out what you current don’t know by exploring what’s possible at 10x or 100x of your current reality.