Intrinsic Stack
Why it matters?
Mobilizing our persistent efforts towards the tasks of life and work has been studied across many theories of motivation. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) looks at the interplay of both extrinsic (being moved by external factors such as rewards, status, opinions of others) and intrinsic (curiosity, care, values) motivation that is inherent in every human.
Knowing which to lean on by design is a hot topic across any field where facilitating a sense of initiative is key — meaning any time something needs to get done! Drawing upon more intrinsic motivators, however, tends not only to enhance performance, persistence and creativity; but have an autotelic effect; meaning the activity that motivates has an end or purpose in itself and doesn’t need a separate reward or outcome. The flow experts understand how to harness this best: by understanding how intrinsic motivators can stack upon each other for maximum benefit (and, well, flow).
Steven Kotler has mapped out the playbook for flow and talks about the five big intrinsic motivators: curiosity, passion, purpose, autonomy and mastery. Once you have those five things (cultivated in that sequence), it becomes easier to go for your goals and constantly tune your willpower to make them a reality.
How it works?
- First do the [FORMING} Mt. Goals exercise. Then make a list of the 5 intrinsic motivators.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 on how much you are deploying this motivator:
Curiosity: deep fascination with the topics related to your mission.
Passion: deep desire to do the activities you’re doing when you pursue your mission.
Purpose: deep knowing that your mission goes beyond you with its impact.
Autonomy: deep sense that you have enough freedom and space to move in the direction of your choosing.
Mastery: deep dedication to endlessly improve on the activities involved in your pursuit.
- Take a look at the lowest scores. Identify one way you can improve on this motivator — knowing you will enjoy it if you made time.
- Determine one action you’ll take to increase these motivators as specific activities you can add to your Mission and Vision Mountain.

Set your sights on the top of the mountain while knowing which path you are taking to get there (and there are many).