Why it matters?
Breakthrough research in the field of Ontological Coaching offers us an approach to dig deeper into our “way of being” by exploring our emotions, language and behavior to transform our lives.
This model steps away from the tactical and strategic, employing more of our full intelligence to become an astute and compassionate observer to shift our experience. The ability to make distinctions in our observations and conversations, that are often invisible or on autopilot, gives us a rich discovery of the world and ourselves as we show up to it in new ways.
Tapping these three aspects (brain, body, mood) when reacting to situations in life can helps us shift behavior by embodying a new way of being. For simplicity (and the namesake of this exercise), we will call these three prescriptive levers: “MMM” for mood, movement, and message.
How it works?
- Think of a pattern of behavior that you are aware is holding you back – especially when it comes to how you show up in conversation with others. (Ie. shrinking in the presence of critics, defensiveness when receiving feedback, disconnection or indifference when someone is talking).
- Ask yourself: how do I want to show up instead? (Powerful enough to hold the line? Receptive to feedback? Connected to the room?)
- Design a signature prescription that would define this new way of being: 1) movement - how could you hold your body or shift slightly to show up differently in the moment? 2) mood - how do you want to feel instead in this moment? And 3) message - what is a short, catchy message (or mantra) you can come up with that capture this signature moment?
- Visualize yourself in conversation with this person (or group) where you feel the old pattern arising.
- Engage your M&M&M Rx while simultaneously saying the message aloud, doing the movement and eliciting the mood.
- Practice in real life over an over until it becomes more natural, and you begin to embody this new way of showing up.

Get unstuck: generate a new movement, mood and message in the moment to create a new pattern of response to an old sticky problem.