Tuning the Dial
Why it matters?
We tend to over emphasize our rational sides, especially in work contexts, where adopting new skills is entirely a cerebral exercise for knowledge workers and experts. However, the reality is we need to hone various soft skills that require a different learning pathway. Intuitively we know that beneath the surface lies a mechanism at work which often has complete control over our minds.
We may tell ourselves to show up to a situation with more courage, clout, or charisma…but thinking so isn’t enough. We must practice these “qualities of being” consciously, especially in lower stakes situations where the useful feedback can reinforce the evidence that our experimentation into showing up differently is working. Over time, we have shaped our personality through repetitive practice of certain ways of being - for better or worse - and tend to grease those grooves when rewarded.
Good news is: these energy patterns that make up our personalities can shift into new patterns – giving us a bank of new resources to draw from in contexts where we wish we could show up differently. “Tuning” the volume on qualities we want to suppress (ie. impulsive commenting) or enhance (ie. conscientious sharing of ideas). The key here is to quiet the “thought” and work with the underlying quality or energy pattern of this behavior.
How it works?
- Taking the above example of turning down the volume on impulsive commenting: observe your energy pattern the next few times you do this.
- Perhaps you’ve observed a “rise of heat/accumulation in the throat/chest” followed by a desire to release this by commenting.
- Consciously work with this triggered pattern and breathe into the sensation.
- Set an intention for how you’d like to show up differently (ie. Tempered sharing of Ideas).
- Then come up with a new patterned way of showing up outside of thought.
- Perhaps this is “a dissipation of the accumulated heat, slowed breathing and holding of space” for an idea to materialize.
- Practice shifting the energy pattern and consciously work on showing up differently in your next encounter.
- Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat over and over again until you notice a change in how you fuel your patterns and tune your dials.

Consciously ‘showing up’ in different ways goes beyond thought and requires embodied awareness for lasting change.
Embodiment Unlimited by Mark Walsh
Zen Leadership FEBI Assessment by Ginnie Whitlaw